CMR North is a Non-profit Christian Organisation
that consists of a professional network of social workers that truly give hope to people in despair.
CMR North (Christelik Maatskaplike Raad Noord) dynamically operates through 15 Centres of Hope located in three provinces in South Africa: Gauteng, Limpopo and North West.
We focus on giving people the opportunity to live life to their full potential through our team approach & three main community programs:
- Family preservation
- Child Protection (which includes Adoptions & Fostering)
- Poverty Alleviation and Community Work
CMR North is the coordinating body of the different Centres of Hope, providing the overall management and capacity building for the Centres.
The management and capacity building team are responsible for the following:
- Service resource development and planning.
- Human resource management, development and planning,focusing on the empowerment of personnel and volunteers.
- Financial resource development, planning and management.
- Networking and coordination.
- Advocacy on behalf of consumers and services.
- Research into needs and services.
- Marketing of the services in collaboration with the Centres.
Our main aim is to give hope to people in need.
CMR North is a non-profit organisation, established in 1936, that consists of a professional network of social workers.
The organisation has a long and respected history in family and child care for over 85 years. Over the years the CMR North has transformed and adapted to the needs of people and children it renders services to +/- 22 000 people every year this also resulted in long and respected partnerships with reliable funders and donors.
Vision & Mission
The VISION of CMR North is to give hope to people in need.
To develop and protect children and families through social work services and thus supporting them in achieving their full potential and growth.
Die CMR Noord se VISIE is om hoop te gee aan mense in nood.
Om kinders en gesinne dmv maatskaplike dienste te ontwikkel en te beskerm – om hul sodoende te ondersteun sodat hulle volle potensiaal bereik kan word.
Value System
Value System
The values of an organisation serve as behavioural guidelines through which the vision and mission are executed/practiced/ implemented: