Story of Hope, Stories Wat Saak Maak and Articles
Over the years we at CMR Noord have come across many people’s lives, many articles that can add value and things that you just HAVE to know.
We have tried to put as many of them in one place to help you on your journey.
Please don’t hesitate to email us with any relevant info that we should be adding onto here – the more info we have here the more we can help bring HOPE to the lives of many.
Stories of Hope
Deon* – living with his parents in an abandoned building site
Sitting alone in an abandoned building site, young baby Deon is without care and he is not moving. His hand has a burn wound that has turned septic. Read about his remarkable recovery in the Foster Home.
Peter and Anna
When our social worker met Peter and Anna and reported that they are homeless, the story started out to be full of pain and sickness, but with therapy, time and hope this turned into a story of happiness and achievement!
Smiling Baby X
Although it is part of our job description to remove children, and to work with the most vulnerable and poor, nothing quite stops you in your tracks as what we witnessed when Baby X was removed from his sixteen-year-old mother’s care.
Uit die dagboek
Uit die dagboek van ‘n veiligheidsmamma, wie die afgelope 2 maande na *Xander (7 jaar oud) kyk, terwyl geskikte pleegouers gesoek word.
Sy pa is in Desember 2019 baie skielik oorlede en sy ma het hom, sy sussie en sy boetie gelos vir ‘n nuwe kêrel.
Katie* – ‘n Baba met die mooiste blou ogies
Baba Katie* se omstandighede is by die CMR Musina Sentrum van Hoop aangemeld. Die baba het dringend hulp en beskerming nodig gehad. Haar geboorte mamma het haar verwaarloos (sy was ondervoed en het erge brande in haar doek-area gehad). Sy het ook aan ander erge siektetoestande gely.
Aggressive behaviour in Toddlers (children 3 -5 years)
Children who are aggressive could be frustrated or under stress. The stress could be as simple as not wanting to share, or something larger such as a change in the family or a new sibling. Aggression could also be a behaviour that children learn from other family members or friends.
You might notice aggressive behaviour—hitting, shoving, and even biting—when your toddler is playing with her peers.
Being a voice for children who are victims of the unspeakable is both our moral and legal duty
Based on the most recent statistics, such as the 2019/2020 Annual Crime Statistics of the South African Police Service, around 24,000 children are being sexually assaulted in South Africa per year, which is higher than the global average. This prevalence of sexual abuse of children is confirmed by the number of new cases that are referred to CMR North, which amounted to 622, just from 2020/2021, and just in the geographical areas that have been designated to the organisation.
Om 'n stem te wees vir kinders wie slagoffers is van die ondenkbare is tegelyk ons morele en wetlike verpligting
Gebaseer op die mees onlangse statistiek, soos byvoorbeeld die 2019/2020 Jaarlikse Misdaadstatistiek van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD), word daar ongeveer 24 000 kinders per jaar seksueel misbruik en aangerand in Suid Afrika, wat meer is as die gemiddeld in die res van die wêreld. Hierdie syfers word verder bevestig deur die aantal nuwe sake wat deurlopend na die CMR Noord verwys word. Gedurende 2020/2021 is 622 nuwe sake aangemeld in slegs die geografiese gebiede wat deur die Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling aan die organisasie toegewys is.
Child Protection Week: Teaching Kids and Teenagers to Be Smart About Social Media
Most teens use some form of social media and have a profile on a social networking site. Many visit these sites every day.
There are plenty of good things about social media — but also many risks and things kids and teens should avoid. They don’t always make good choices when they post something to a site, and this can lead to problems.
So it’s important to talk with your kids about how to use social media wisely.
February 14 - 17 marked Teen Suicide Prevention Week
A whole week dedicated to teen suicide? As extreme as it may seem, it is also extremely necessary to shed light on this serious issue. Suicide is now the leading cause of death amongst young people.
Impact of Social Media on Self-Esteem
Some experts worry that teens are more anxious and have lower self-esteem because of social media and texting. There are key differences to socializing online.
Social Work: Not a Job it is a Calling
By Maryke Venter
My journey with Child Protection started more than 40 years ago. I was born into a family where both my brothers were adopted.
Role of Social Work and Social Work Leadership in Pandemic Crisis Intervention
Social work has a long history in responding to community emergencies and dealing with disaster recovery and social work endeavours include delivery of resources and services to affected populations, psychological first aid, design and implementation of different programs, and agency organization.
Beskerming / beveiliging van kinders
Alle ouers meld dat hulle lief is vir hul kinders, maar statistiek bewys dat baie kinders kry seer (fisies en emosioneel) binne hulle huisverband. Dit laat my nadink oor hoe beskerm of beveilig ek my kind?
Us on the News
Press Release - 3 February 2023
It is again with thankful hearts that we have good news to share with you.
Persverklaring - 3 Februarie 2023
Dit is weereens met ‘n dankbare hart dat ons die vlg nuus kan deel.
Press Release - 18 May 2022
The CMRN is but one of several links in the complex system of Child Protection
Persverklaring - 18 Mei 2022
Die Christelike Maatskaplike Raad Noord is een van verskeie skakels in die komplekse sisteem van Kinderbeveiliging
March is Social Workers Month
Social Work is a true calling, and one that brings so much HOPE to many lives – on behalf of all of us – thank you.
March 2022 - Feel Good News
• Dankie MDSA •
• The Goose and the do good ganders •
• Laat daar lig wees projek/Let there be light project •
Pretoria FM Interview
20 April 2021
More Articles
Play Therapy
By The Play
From selecting a therapist to termination: A Guide for Parents Navigating Play Therapy.