Die staptoer strek oor sowat 220 km. Jy is welkom om per km
of deur middel van ‘n eenmalige donasie een van die stappers te borg. So min as R50 per km sal een kind se beveiliging- en terapie kostes dek. Dankie dat jy ‘n kind in NOOD wil red! Gebruik asseblief die verwysing: Pelgrimstog – Stapper se naam wanneer jy jou donasie maak.
Banking Details
CMR Noord, ABSA Brooklyn
Cheque Acc no/Tjekrek no: 50 160 033
Branch code/Takkode: 335 345
Reference/Verwysing: Pelgrimstog – Stapper se naam
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ
Non-Profit Organisation: NPO NR 015-917
Public Benefit Organisation (Tax Exemption): 130001409
All donations are tax-deductible. Section 18A certificates issued on request.
Please provide full name and mailing address.
Bequests are exempt from payment of Estate duty.
Is this donation tax deductible?
Yes, CMR Noord is an approved Public Benefit Organisation, registered under Section 18A of the Income Tax Law. A Bonafide donation in cash or of property in kind is tax-deductible if the donation is supported by the necessary Section 18A receipt issued by CMR Noord.
To claim a donation as a deduction on your SA taxes, please email your request for a receipt to marketing@cmrn.co.za with:
Full name of individual or company;
Physical address;
Identity document number or Company Registration number.
Donation Forms