Onlangs word ‘n klein seuntjie, Deon, van 1 jaar oud aangemeld. Deon sit alleen op ‘n bouperseel in die stof, verwaarloos en sonder enige toesig, hy sit net daar en beweeg nie.
By nadere ondresoek vind die maatskaplike werker dat Deon en sy ouers in ‘n bouval woon in ‘n vertek sonder water en elektrsiteit. Deon het sy hand verbrand met ’n kers en die wond is septies. Daar is nie kos om te eet nie en sy biologiese ouers misbruik dwelms. Deon kon op daardie stadium nog nie staan of geluide maak nie.
Daar moes vinnig toegtree word om Deon te beveilig en om toe te sien dat hy mediese behandeling kry vir die brandwond. Binne twee maande in pleegsorg is die verandering in Deon merkbaar, hy het begin kruip en sy wêreld ontdek. Die leë kyk in sy ogies is weg want hy weet daar is genoeg kos, aandag en liefde. Ongelukkig het die brandwond ’n letsel gelaat op sy handjie, ’n konstante herinnering aan sy verlede. Maar Deon lag en skater elke dag. Dit is hoe CMRN ’n verskil maak in ’n kind se lewe, deur hoop en omgee.
Recently we received a referral about a young baby, sitting alone on an abandoned building site, without care and he is not moving.
On investigation it was found that Deon and his parents lives at the abandoned building site, there is no water and electricity. His hand has a burn wound that has turned septic. He does not make any sounds and are not moving. Both his parents are drug addicts. His mum told the social worker that he burnt his hand with a candle. Immediate intervention was necessary, Deon was taken for immediate medical care for the burn wound on his hand.
Within 2 months, the change in Deon was remarkable, he was laughing and crawling around exploring every corner in the foster home. Unfortunately, the burn left a lesion on his hand, a constant reminder of his past. But he is doing so well and is living every day with a smile and a giggle. And this is how CMRN changes lives and bring hope.